Maybe the deeper question in all this is how do we reintegrate back with nature and still meet our basics needs without destroying everything? Can we work with nature rather than dominating? How do we invert the materialist hierarchy of needs and find a way of life with the most important aspects front and center? We can call it Wild Chr…
Maybe the deeper question in all this is how do we reintegrate back with nature and still meet our basics needs without destroying everything? Can we work with nature rather than dominating? How do we invert the materialist hierarchy of needs and find a way of life with the most important aspects front and center? We can call it Wild Christianity or not, but I think those are the questions worth asking and answering.
Re integration into nature, is that not the ‘material’ element of Salvation? After all, our predicament is rooted in our alienation from Creation and the One who dwells within it? City living destroys the soul, and fast.
At some point we started to see ourselves as brains in a vat. Interesting that this occurred must starkly in Western Christendom. Descartes! Everybody's favorite whipping boy. But well...he may deserve it.
What caused this shift? And why is it so compelling? It is hardly uncommon for people to argue we are already in the matrix. What other civilization would come to that? Certainly see the world as an illusion is one thing. But to think that we are in a deliberate simulation is quite another.
I am currently reading "Treasure in Earthen Vessels: Prayer and the Embodied Life". Also meditating on contemplation of and in (and as?) nature lately.
Today's high temp in the canyon will be 38 F/ 3 C. Which actually is warm compared to the past few days.
I hope all is well on the other side of the planet.
Here folks say ‘I’m good’ which I find a little trying :)
Yes Descartes, and behind him Occam and Scotus (Duns not Eriugena) and behind that? Pythagoras? Mammon? (The manifestation of control?) Ive been popping in and out of a fascinating thesis on the world of the scholastics and how they didn’t live in ivory towers but were also administrators of the financial ‘lives’ of the early universities. They sat atop the pile, never a place for anything but anxious control to take charge. (I know whereof I speak. My church owns and runs a $10M aged care hospital. . .)
Have you come across Wolfgang Smith and his takedown of the world Descartes described as he assisted it’s coming into being? ‘Physics: a science in search of an ontology’ As someone with a background in Physics I found it so helpful Metaphysically! But by now I’m way off track, deep in the undergrowth. . .
Maybe the deeper question in all this is how do we reintegrate back with nature and still meet our basics needs without destroying everything? Can we work with nature rather than dominating? How do we invert the materialist hierarchy of needs and find a way of life with the most important aspects front and center? We can call it Wild Christianity or not, but I think those are the questions worth asking and answering.
Re integration into nature, is that not the ‘material’ element of Salvation? After all, our predicament is rooted in our alienation from Creation and the One who dwells within it? City living destroys the soul, and fast.
Trust the canyon is warming up!
- Eric
At some point we started to see ourselves as brains in a vat. Interesting that this occurred must starkly in Western Christendom. Descartes! Everybody's favorite whipping boy. But well...he may deserve it.
What caused this shift? And why is it so compelling? It is hardly uncommon for people to argue we are already in the matrix. What other civilization would come to that? Certainly see the world as an illusion is one thing. But to think that we are in a deliberate simulation is quite another.
I am currently reading "Treasure in Earthen Vessels: Prayer and the Embodied Life". Also meditating on contemplation of and in (and as?) nature lately.
Today's high temp in the canyon will be 38 F/ 3 C. Which actually is warm compared to the past few days.
I hope all is well on the other side of the planet.
Thank you, Jack
We are well
Here folks say ‘I’m good’ which I find a little trying :)
Yes Descartes, and behind him Occam and Scotus (Duns not Eriugena) and behind that? Pythagoras? Mammon? (The manifestation of control?) Ive been popping in and out of a fascinating thesis on the world of the scholastics and how they didn’t live in ivory towers but were also administrators of the financial ‘lives’ of the early universities. They sat atop the pile, never a place for anything but anxious control to take charge. (I know whereof I speak. My church owns and runs a $10M aged care hospital. . .)
Have you come across Wolfgang Smith and his takedown of the world Descartes described as he assisted it’s coming into being? ‘Physics: a science in search of an ontology’ As someone with a background in Physics I found it so helpful Metaphysically! But by now I’m way off track, deep in the undergrowth. . .