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Peun- These are all good questions. I am proposing something other than Lectio Divina. Which is just be still and silent for a period of time. When thoughts come up--and they will--just let them be. You neither push them away or engage them. If you get too caught up in thoughts just take an easy breath. No need to worry about them.

As for your second question, that is a much deeper one. My take on it is that there are things within us that we might not want to see or even know about. When we are still these can start to surface in our awareness. This is why we seek to distract ourselves. We don't want to know who we really are, because at least at first it might not be pleasant. It can be a dark passage, but there is light on the other side of it. Which is also a reason to go easy at first.

I hope that helps.


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Many Thanks Jack, this has made clearer some questions which arose, making your answer very helpful.

Thanks again, Godspeed

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