Which, given the gist of the discussion here lately, this would be a beautifully ironic way to be interrupted. Proving, as if we need further proof, that God has a sense of humor.
The dance between silence and tending to kiddos and their needs is one of the main features of our daily prayer times. Both parts are about self-surrender, just in different forms. :)
I'm going to try to do it but I anticipate being interrupted by my daughter's loud complaint, "Mom, she won't stop copying me!"
Which, given the gist of the discussion here lately, this would be a beautifully ironic way to be interrupted. Proving, as if we need further proof, that God has a sense of humor.
The dance between silence and tending to kiddos and their needs is one of the main features of our daily prayer times. Both parts are about self-surrender, just in different forms. :)
Mark- This is useful to remember. There are some interruptions that are essential and good. -Jack