Ian- A beautiful poem. Thank you. Those lonely, austere offices done unto the ages of ages. I don't think we can even have a clue.
It is not only a very good question, but *the* question, i.e., how to take up our mangled heritage and turn it towards what we hope is its original aim. How can we assume, under the pressure of history, that w…
Ian- A beautiful poem. Thank you. Those lonely, austere offices done unto the ages of ages. I don't think we can even have a clue.
It is not only a very good question, but *the* question, i.e., how to take up our mangled heritage and turn it towards what we hope is its original aim. How can we assume, under the pressure of history, that we will do any better. But we avoid facing it at our own peril...and the world's. That reckoning could turn out to be a blessing for us all. I hope so.
Ian- A beautiful poem. Thank you. Those lonely, austere offices done unto the ages of ages. I don't think we can even have a clue.
It is not only a very good question, but *the* question, i.e., how to take up our mangled heritage and turn it towards what we hope is its original aim. How can we assume, under the pressure of history, that we will do any better. But we avoid facing it at our own peril...and the world's. That reckoning could turn out to be a blessing for us all. I hope so.
Safe travels to you, also. -Jack