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Thank you. Yes, and it was a gift to have been there. It has planted something in me, I think, but I don't yet know what. Maybe that's another gift. We shall see.

I also don't really fully know what I mean by radical contemplation but it seems worth fathoming. I think it *is* that fathoming. I have long felt, as you say, that what we usually call thinking isn't thinking at all. We may--or may not--end up with a system of syllogisms, but that isn't the hear of thinking either, but merely a way of presenting it, or trying to. Many of us are taking inspiration from Iain McGilchrist, and so do I. But there are other sources that I have mentioned in past essays. It finds its beginning and its depths in stillness and silence and what may start to bubble up from there. It is an old way, but in our technological age, one we have turned into stress relief technique, rather than a fundamental shift in how we are, and how we are in the world.

That's the best I can do at the moment. I hope you are well. -Jack

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