Throughout it all, the Coyote. The trickster. I think they were telling you something because of your reaction to them. I am aware that my reality is created by my mind and that this world doesn't actually exist anywhere except in our mind. Our collective mind and our private mind keep the illusion going. This is a very important clue as…
Throughout it all, the Coyote. The trickster. I think they were telling you something because of your reaction to them. I am aware that my reality is created by my mind and that this world doesn't actually exist anywhere except in our mind. Our collective mind and our private mind keep the illusion going. This is a very important clue as to how to deal with things and I wish I knew more than that, but as yet I do not. All I know is that if a particle can be in two places at the same time - something Quantum physics has proven - was it Bell? - then space time does not exist outside our brains.
Throughout it all, the Coyote. The trickster. I think they were telling you something because of your reaction to them. I am aware that my reality is created by my mind and that this world doesn't actually exist anywhere except in our mind. Our collective mind and our private mind keep the illusion going. This is a very important clue as to how to deal with things and I wish I knew more than that, but as yet I do not. All I know is that if a particle can be in two places at the same time - something Quantum physics has proven - was it Bell? - then space time does not exist outside our brains.
I think you are right. They are here to tell us something.