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Jack - I agree that coming 'at it from all sides' is a needed strategy. We lived in a very incredibly boring suburb for15 years. It was actually at the very bottom of the list of places where I would want to live, but it is where our extended family lived. We decided it was important to be close to family. So for 15 years I made a point of daily walking through this grey, drab neighbourhood, my children in tow, finding little niches to explore. We built rock fortresses in the water catchment area, we traipsed along the creek that separated two subdivisions running boats along it, we walked the broad, boring street to the grocery store, we got to know the small woodlot across from us like the back of our hand. The place where we lived was admittedly quite ugly in its uniformity and lack of natural beauty. Yet, when we return to it now, the children still remember their connection and wonder to this place because they had walked it thousands of times.

This experience give me hope that our conviction and dedication to a neighbourhood, no matter how plain or removed from nature, can still ground us in reality.

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