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I think you are creating a false dichotomy. It isn't an either/or but a both/and. Also, and perhaps more to the point, I think we are starting from very different assumptions about the nature of technology. At least in regard to the kinds of technology now prevalent (including the one we are using to discuss this, ironically).

I am with McLuhan that technology is *far* from neutral--it isn't simply and naively a "tool". To paraphrase Churchill, we shape our technologies which in turn shape us. The technological world is now so increasingly immersive that it is shaping us in ways we don't yet understand and probably wouldn't like at all if we did understand. The immersive nature of technology will only increase and its ability to shape us more totally will grow along with it.

That said, I agree with you totally that it would be far better to instead live a life in Christ--a life of metanoia, contemplation and prayer. Which is exactly what I am trying to do, however imperfectly.

Thank you for your comment. -Jack

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Reread your own words again. This is a circular statement, a paradox, and a partial truth.

"we shape our technologies which in turn shape us."

Technology can only mimic real life, but its not real life. Its a simulation, a model, and not a particularly good one. Technology cannot shape you any more than a calculator can. Think about the argument that guns kill people, so if we outlaw them it will fix the problem.

But it doesn't, the the number of shootings still remains high.

Why is that?

Its because guns don't kill people. People kill people. The gun is just a tool, an inanimate object, it cannot "shape or do" anything on its own. Technology is similar, on its own it is just a tool. It needs a human to choose to use it as a weapon to hurt others. Does this argument explain the concept any better?

How about the statement below...

We are made in the image of the living creator God. Not a dead black box, Not a machine, Not an algorithm. THE LIVING CREATOR GOD. You are so much more precious and complex than you know. When we believe that technology shapes us, we are also saying that technology is capable of conforming and shaping the image of God into its own image.

This subversion of doctrine is at the core of the problem. This is basically idolatry. God comes first, worship the creator not the creation.

I understand why you think cutting yourself off from technology is the best path forward. We live in a world of wickedness, everywhere you turn you see it. Sin is like a virus, you are aware of this on a subconscious level. The impulse to not be immersed in it for too long, lest you become infected by its sickness is very wise. Unfortunately, it is not enough to preserve you or keep you from suffering. You can only be preserved by anchoring yourself to Jesus.

You are a son of God, made in his image. The image of the creator GOD. And it is a great insult to his glory when we imply that technology is higher than his image. Its a lie, and its okay if we are fooled by it for a bit. Whats most important is that we acknowledge our mistake and try to do better tomorrow. Instead of shame for falling for the lie, think of it in a lessons learned kind of way. I would implore you take a programing course, so you can better understand the deception. Take the time to try to learn how the tool works, its not as hard as you think. But it does require the discipline. Which you seem to already possess in spades, all you need is to be pointed in the right direction. Instead of trusting the opinions of others, take the time to learn how to build, create, and manipulate the machine. You'll be surprise by what you are capable of.

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You are still creating a false dichotomy. But regardless, why go around in circles? You have your view and I have mine. And mine may be entirely wrong. But there are fruitful discussions around disagreement and there are pointless ones. With all due respect, I have zero interest in going around in circles with strangers on the internet. More to the point, I have no desire or intention of convincing you or anyone of anything.

The internet is vast!

Again, thank you for your comment. I hope you are well. -Jack

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"With all due respect, I have zero interest in going around in circles with strangers on the internet"

Adding the phrase with all due respect does not make the second half of that statement okay. If you respected me, you would not dehumanize me by implying I am a "stranger on the internet" and therefore unworthy of your consideration or attention. Saying shitty things and demonizing my character will not change the truth or make my opinion any less valid. I pray for your hard heart to find the humility needed to love others as you love yourself. Kindness to strangers (even on the internet) is a deed worth doing. I apologize for being so blunt, but I am quite bored with this passive aggressive, language manipulation tactic so many are using. Its so overdone at this point that even small children can see through it. Do better.

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Forgive me if this is a strange question: is this Cece?

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Yes, it is.

What an ironically pleasent surprise that you recognize "my voice" after all this time. I was under the impression that you considered me an inconvenient annoyance, a pest to be quickly discarded and forgotten. I am not here to waste time bantering with you this time. I am here chasing another who believes you to be an end days saint because of your "holy, reclusive, and pious" lifestyle. The best way to test the character of another is through trial. Saints are praised not because of their pious lifestyle but because of their unwavering faith and commitment to the testimony of Jesus Christ when faced with persecution, demonization, suffering, torture, and pain, even unto death. Their character does not change because of circumstances. It is constant even when confronted with criticism.

Good shepherd's are easily recognizable because they chase after the lost sheep of the flock. You can't even be bothered to put in the amount of effort to even fully explain what is false about my understanding of God's doctrine. Not exactly very "saintly" behavior...

It makes me sad that you are unchanged since we last spoke, but I am. I understand now that while it is true that everyone can change, it is also true that most are unwilling to humble themselves, take accountability for their shitty actions, and willingly submit to the suffering required to change and grow in spiritual maturity.

Once again I apologize if my bluntness has made you uncomfortable but I refuse to live by the lie. Therefore, I will always be in direct conflict with the people of the lie. We just don't mix.

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CeCe- Your bluntness has not offended me at all. And you are not an inconvenient annoyance. I am from New York originally. So I grew up with bluntness. I wish you had made yourself known from the start. Please do me the kindness of identifying yourself from the start should you choose a new pseudonym. I would find it helpful.

But also know that the internet is a great distraction as it is, there is only so much one can go round and round about things. Life is short. As a general observation, however, it is best not to start one's comment with "you're wrong, I'm right". It doesn't tend to make for fruitful discussion.

My apologies that I offended you. It wasn't my intention.

And for anyone saying I am a saint, I can cut through the suspense and make it clear I am not. Though I strive for it, as one should.

I hope you are doing well. -Jack

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Could you send me you email address? I would like to share something with you but feel its best to do so as personally and privately as possible. God keeps putting you in my path for a reason and it is not to argue with you. If you are interested in hearing the message I am being compelled to share with you send me your email. Otherwise this is goodbye, I am not here to coddle you. That time has passed.

You opened a door you should not have. The only thing I need to know is if you are still willing and capable of choosing to close it.

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Be well, Cece. I wish you many beautiful things. -Jack

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Not what I expected but I heard it all the same.

The dark night of the soul cannot be attained by human effort. It is a gift only God can bestow on the servants he chooses. Those who he chooses carry the seal of living God in their foreheads. This is not a seal or mark that can be seen or understood in terms of the laws of man, it is a spiritual mark of ownership. An unbreakable vow between God and his servant.

The devils goal is to take Gods place, because God chose to seal his servants in this way spiritually, his pride demands that he too must now spiritually seal his own servants in a similar manner. The mark of the beast is a spiritual mark given to those who submit their will to him in a subversive, deceptive, counterfeit dark night the soul. Like God, the devil also gifts his servants with his spirit. This includes access to certain aspects of the spiritual realms and other hidden knowledge.

If you ever wander too far and wish to come home, call out to Jesus Christ. He will answer you and anchor you to him.

I worry about you deeply and pray that you create a strong bond with Jesus Christ, strong enough to ensure that your spirit is preserved despite the devils attacks on you. You were born for times such a this.

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